Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's all about how you die

I'm downstairs, grabbing a morning coffee with the K-Man

I'm a little stressed, today is not my best day.

Jay told me this morning, after I told him that I felt today basically as I felt yesterday that today I was "one day older".

This is great, it means that every single day of my life, my body has deteriorated a little more.


I'm downstairs, grabbing a morning coffee with the K-Man

I think he's not doing too good either, he says:
-"I have a bad feeling, I feel that something big is going to happen"
-"what like nuclear war?"
-"Don't know, something like that, something bit, something we will over which we will have no control whatsoever"
-"well, you should console yourself with the fact that at least you'll get to get laid one last time before we all blow up.
I will have to settle with masturbating, alone"

shlak, shlak, shlak, - rhaaaa/BOOOOOM

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