Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Jui Juitsu and Jay

Jay loves the martial art called Jui-Juitsu
I keep making fun of him, because its all about being on the ground, with some other dude, and well...it's a close contact sport...very close.

So, I decided to google the following 3 words:
"Jui Juitsu Gay"

and well...I think for once, images speak louder than words

Grappling is Gay!

Jui-Juitsu is like tight jeans

OH, and in case you wonder what its like to work with a Jui-Juitsu freak like Jay...well....

Office Jiu Jitsu

a last one. you know, "for the road"

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1 comment:

Lucky gal said...

Not meaning to be a party pooper but remember those days you're planning on taking to come by late august? Your male host does Jui Juitsu...

Sleep with one eye open...