Monday, October 06, 2008

For the Times they are a changing

Its early,
Its way too early for me to be at work, nevermind actually working.

I wait patiently as my computer boots.

I open FireFox, it's time to start working.
I mean that it's time to read the newspaper.
I mean, read the sports section. why doesn't anyone care that Palin won Ms Alska because there were only monters in Alaska at that time. God she looked fucking aweful in that swimsuit.

I hears steps in the corridor.
They sound like Jay's monring tired walk.

Then, I hear a sound I never heard before.
It tore my ears appart like the scream of a puppy being ran over by a 4x4 (I have unfortunately witnessed this..., but that's another story).

-"hello" said a feminine voice
-"HELLO" replied Jay, loudly, motivated

He then comes into our office
-"eeeem, hi, did I just hear you say hello to someone? do you have friends? are you socialising? what the fuck?"
-"i know...can't believe it either"

We're not in Kansas anymore

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