Wednesday, September 17, 2008

R's Movie Picks of the Week


watched some nice stuff recently.

Jay would immediately say "Porn", I know he would.
I'm just saying that because I'm sick, and I'm stuck at home.


I've watched

The Promotion:

Cool Movie about 2 "assistant managers" fighting it out to get promoted.
quite hilarious. but the whole movie is very calm, the jokes are subtle and smart. And you wonder who's going to get it, until the very very end


Nice movie about some youngsters in London. It took me about 15minutes to understand what they were saying But from there on, it was game on. they sure curse a lot over there ! and they fuck like rabbits
dam english.

The Foot Fist Way:

an awesome comedy about a guy who teaches at a Tae Kwan Do gym.
it's just absolutely-fuckin-awesome.
oh, and its about real martial arts, not that pussy-wannabe-pretend-playground-Jui-Juitsu crap

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