Friday, April 11, 2008


Jay, (as I turn to my dear co-slave)

-Jay, why is there a fucking "µ" on the keyboard??

-when the hell do I use this shit?

- maybe because of the metric system?

-thanks Jay, like I need micrometers every day of my dam life, i'll keep this keyboard for my next dam job at NASA.

As it turns out, some stupid french man decided some years ago, after a long fight with keyboard authorities that there should be a µ on french keyboards.

thank you france, between the µ and the azerty layout, I really feel like a superior and more efficient being !!

I guess its just to piss off the brits (i'll agree with the french on wanting to piss off the brits)since they also put the "£" above the µ

Yes, I hate my life

all I have left is my hope that you'll hate me too

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