Thursday, April 17, 2008

my passion is

after a long discussion about the 303 and the 909, and the fact that i really wish I had a Roland TR909 and that no, the software (rebirth) doesn't cut it, because i want to use my fingers and not the dam mouse.

Jay told me that he ended up using FruityLoops.

-no you weren't, you just installed it and looked at it and then gave up !!

-no, no, a friend and I had started programming a synth with it.


-dude, what are we doing in this office?

-what do you mean?

-well, we share a lot of passions, and none of them is related to our work

-i don't have any passions now?


-well yeah, my passion is sex

-yeah mine too, since i was like 12 or so!

-yeah, but I actually do it




-hahaahaha, what? you're gonna blog about this?

-well, you did burn me pretty hard!

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