Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Do you like PUNK ROCK ??!!

- Hey Rick, wanna go to a concert of the Presidents of the United States of America? tonight?

-uuuh?, when?

-at 20h

-uuuuh, its 19:20, .... OK !!!

(saw them at Werchter Festival, 12 fucking years ago, and they rocked ass)

anyway, we get there, and this Japanese band is playing "Electric Eel Shock".

wery funny geys, with great "Engrish" accent.

at some point they go


-(public) yeaaah

- "I SAY, DO YOU rIKE PrUNK ROCKeuh????!!!


- "Im not much for Prunk Rockeuh"

and then, I fell in love with Electric Eel Shock
bought a t-shirt, but the latest album, got a free pin, a free sticked, a free poster and free patch.

an I thought they needed the money more than the Presidents, after all, they had to carry out all their equipment.

The rest of the concert was great

This dude, Red Karpet, or something carpet. was a one man show on crack playing with plastic toys from the 80s. he was from Bristol.

A fucking hypnotic session.

I couldn't stop laughing. he went from being insulted to becoming a crowd hero in the space of about 6 ridiculous songs !!!

She's lump, she's lump, she's in my head...she's lump, she's lump, she might be dead !!!

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