Friday, August 15, 2008

Drunken Masters

So, here I am, in TouristTown, at night.
I'm with the dynamic duo of drunken mischief: Tower and Hobo

Here are some exerpts, in non chronological order:

1 - Delusion:
-"Hobo, dude, look at yourself, you really look like a bum"

-"some types of women go for this specific look"

They must be some very very peculiar types of women.
Did I say "must be"?, I mean, they are....I've met a few of them

2 - FutureTelling:
Hobo - "let's drink a max right now (we had some drinks in the car...whisky mostly). Once we hit the clubs; it's going to be too expensive."

Tower - "man, i don't want to puke for no reason, i like to pace myself, enjoy my drinks"

Hobo - "ha! i don't care, i ve totally foreseen that tonight i'm going to puke, and I'm comfortable with that"

20m later: "beuarghhhhh"

23m later: "brreuuaaarghhrrr"

Hobo - "you have a kleenex?" he asks, while drooling a mixture of saliva, bilis, and random chunks of food

Me - "no" (even if I had had one, I would have said no...mouehehe)

Tower - "just wipe it on your shirt Hobo, this shirt will absorb anything"

Its true, these pseudo-neo-hippy shirts can really take in a lot of crap.

3 - A lesson on How and When to Lie:

Tower starts speaking to a hot chick "cutie" while her friend "blondie" is making out with some random über Douche.

Cutie is smoking hot.
Tower is working his game like a terminator on a "Sarah Connor destroy" mission

After a while Blondie starts speaking to Tower

-"how old are you?" She says
-"hmmm, 26 why?"
-"cutie is 17"
-"and I bet you're her sister?"
-"I should have said i was 20 shouldn't I?"
-"yeah, you screwed up;)"

From now on, I'm 22 !!

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