Thursday, May 22, 2008

its the same

-See the problem is that i'm trying to build this search thing that will identify the most relevant words in a text

-oh, you mean like those things...with like bigger and small words? you know what i mean right

-yeah, tag clouds

-yeah, that's it. why don't you just use that

-its not the same thing!!

-how so? you are trying to identify the most relevant keywords in an article. a tag cloud does that

-no, a tag cloud looks at the most relevant words as entered by some dumbass in a search engine. i just want my thing to look at articles, and find the most relevant stuff

-yeah, so its the same thing


-yes it is! an article is a text= sequence of words. a tag cloud looks at words, that are in a database= also a sequence of words. so its the same thing

-....the problem is...that you don't understand !!

-what i don't understand is why you're wasting your time doing something that already exists.

-if it existed already, I wouldn't be doing it

-you are doing it

(he stares at me like a)i'm dumb. b)he hopes I die, right now)

moments later

I put on a song

a great song: Nothing Else Matters by Metallica.

-Are those the Scorpions?

-No, its Metallica (As a Metallica fan, I'm right-down offended, but I casually downplay it)

-It's basically the same thing

-yeah, its the same thing as in what you're doing is the same thing as a tag cloud and you're wasting your time


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