Friday, May 23, 2008

no, i'm not

long ago (well, a few months ago)

so,..., LONG AGO !!

I was at an office farewell drink of a (female) colleague of mine:MsPopular
nice crowd, a few drinks, chatting here and there.

And then MsPopular introduces to me to her friend: MsBig
Ms Big is cute, and nice, and pleasant.

and I'm single

So I start talking to her, have a pleasant time, then say good bye

all is cool, maybe I'll see her again one day.

but i didn't, never




until today.

-"Hey, your MsPopular's friend aren't you?"

-"hey, yes, and you're her boyfriend right?"

-",....hum...i'm not"

she puts her arm around her face and changes the side of her hair, exposing her neck

-"oh, but i thought you were, aren't you"?

-"no, i'm really not"

-"oh, the way she introduced you at the time, I thought you were her boyfriend"

No wonder I don't have, as Jay so bluntly puts it, a sexuality.

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