Monday, May 05, 2008

Jeans and Jackets

-"You really look akward today C-man"

-"Yeah, my glasses are off, I'm wearing contact lenses"

-"Oh, yeah, true, true. But that's not it. Your seem to be wearing your jeans real high. either that, or your jacket is too long. Dunno, something seems not quite right."

A voice interrupts. An exasperated murmur.
Jay: "Is this fashion week or what?"

-"Jay, I'm in touch with my feminine side, I don't mind speaking about these things.
I'm secure in my own Sexuality."

-"Well, I have a sexuality, you don't have a sexuality."

- "nuff said - good point"

This morning I was tired. I didn't want to go to work. Now, I don't even have a sexuality

Oh well, at least I have a fashion sense.

A fashion sense I can't share with all these tasteless fools, but a fashion sense nonetheless.

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